Friday, December 3, 2010

Something I Had to Share...

Hide me
from me.
Fill these
holes with eyes
for mine are not
mine.  Hide
me head & need
for I am not good
so dead in life
so much time.
Be wing, and
shade my me
from my desire
to be
hooked fish.
That worm
looks sweet and
makes my me
blind.  And, too,
my heart hide
for I shall at
this rate it also
eat in time.

Stan Rice
from Some Lamb ~ 1975

I found this in Anne Rice's book, Queen of the Damned, at the beginning of Part III.  I like it.  So I thought I'd share it. :)

Happy Friday, I'm sure I'll be back later to think about more things  here.
Until then...


Steven said...

I love that series, I should re-read it myself.

Kim Lobley said...

I love it also. Really good stuff. A quote that got me when I was reading earlier was..."It was an old trick: get them all to fight an enemy and they'll stop quarreling at home." And I just had to shake my head. So true, on so many levels.

I "liked" Anne Rice's page on facebook and even though she writes about different things nowadays, she's still a very interesting lady.
You SHOULD re-read them!! I'll send you mine as I finish them if you don't have them!
Thanks for stopping by! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Sounds intertesting. Must read that sometime.
Want more posts, please! :)

Kim Lobley said...

Oh my, hello Anonymous. I'm sorry I am just seeing your comment now.
Thank you for reading my blog, I highly recommend the above mentioned books! I'm on to number seven now, halfway through, and more enraptured than ever!
Thanks for stopping by! ♥